Hey, hay!
We have been raising rabbits for meat for almost a year and having gone through a long, cold winter now, I have tallied the costs and they don't look good. When it comes down to it, the way we raise rabbits in wood shavings in a hutch, with a tractor for access to fresh weeds and grass is too expensive. Either they have to go or we have to find a better way. Sometimes when we ran out of bedding last winter, we would use some of the rabbit's food hay as bedding for them,and it worked fine. We ran out of hay but I got to thinking about the insulating properties. You drop a glob of hay in and the rabbits break it up, chew some and stand on some. They make a nest out of it and sleep in it. Rabbits are very clean animals and I have read if you keep them clean they will not have problems or parasites. We need to cut out the wood shavings and switch to hay. Hay is $4.00 a bale and wood shavings are $8.00 a bag. The hay is half the cost and lasts twice as long. My next probl...