Life and Death

A winter sun rises on a difficult day We bought some breeding rabbits, housed them, fed them, cared for them and then it was time to kill and eat them. They went from squiggly little grub-like babies to cute fuzzy bunnies hopping about, to fully grown rabbits. The day was cloudy but not cold with plenty of snow on the ground. We had decided today was the day as the rabbits were big enough to eat now and the weather lately had meant that it was taking more and more work to care for them, not to mention, we were going through expensive feed like crazy. The mother rabbits were due to kindle in a week and there simply was no longer room for these grown rabbits. Just getting over a cold, I joined my husband outside after he had killed the five rabbits and he had them laying in a row in the snow to keep them cool. After a failed attempt at trying to gut them on a table, which was really hard on the ol' back, I got some rope, and using the wood beams of the wood shelter, we ...