Self Inefficiency
A friend of mine gave me a jar of her crab apply jelly and I loved it so much so that when I passed by an apple tree full of crab apples set off of the road, I filled my nap-sack with semi-stolen apples and was inspired to make jelly. I acquired the recipe from my friend which seemed simple enough, but (unpeeled uncored apples, sugar, cloves and cinnamon sticks) found out I needed way more apples than one nap-sack held, so I went and picked more. Still enthusiastic, and a bit smug with my free bounty, though growing suspicious, I got out my canning stuff and cute little jars and got set to make jelly on a Saturday. Step one was wash, remove sticks and cook apples. Done. Next step "put in muslin over a sieve, let fruit drip overnight and don't force through". Crap. So this is going to require more attention than I initially thought. I don't own muslin or a sieve. "wait, I know" thought I, I have that natural burlap bag from the "bag o' sprou...