Dog Days
Ok, so we have this beautiful nine year old dog named Milli, who is a mixed breed German Shepherd and Lab. She is very smart, easy to train and loves to eat poop. Any kind of poop. The one thing we could never train her out of was eating poop. She can be seen on any given morning scouring the misty grass with her nose down to the ground hunting for those delicious treats. Porcupine poop, rabbit poop and especially chicken poop. Her favourite is late winter icy-poops. Yes, we call her a way when we catch her but as a country dog we can either keep her inside all of the time or let her go out and try to limit her consumption. Now, I know dogs eat all kinds of terrible things and they are somewhat designed for it but Milli gets sick the day after eating poop quite frequently. For years she has snacked poops, been fine for that day but then vomits twice the next day, seeks long grass to help the job and won't touch her dog food. It passes and she is fine after a day. We have ...