
Showing posts from July, 2013

Dog Days

Ok, so we have this beautiful nine year old dog named Milli, who is a mixed breed German Shepherd and Lab. She is very smart, easy to train and loves to eat poop. Any kind of poop. The one thing we could never train her out of was eating poop. She can be seen on any given morning scouring the misty grass with her nose down to the ground hunting for those delicious treats. Porcupine poop, rabbit poop and especially chicken poop. Her favourite is late winter icy-poops. Yes, we call her a way when we catch her but as a country dog we can either keep her inside all of the time or let her go out and try to limit her consumption. Now, I know dogs eat all kinds of terrible things and they are somewhat designed for it but Milli gets sick the day after eating poop quite frequently. For years she has snacked poops, been fine for that day but then vomits twice the next day, seeks long grass to help the job and won't touch her dog food. It passes and she is fine after a day. We have


I was sitting at my kitchen table this morning checking e-mails and thinking of blogging when out of the corner of my eye I detected movement out of the window . I saw the red-blond colored back of a medium dog-like animal moving so quickly I could barely track it. Not a Fisher as previously thought. Adrenalin kicked in. Reddish-Blond,  and fast. It was very close to the house and my chickens were currently free ranging it nearby! Only one thing it could be. A fox.  I jumped up and slid my bare feet into the closest boots which happen to be my father-in-law's size 12 old rubber boots that somehow got left here. I grabbed the bowl of leftover popcorn from the night before (my chicken's favorite meal, next to Styrofoam, but that's another story) and ran outside. Of course we were having a heatwave and the chickens were busy dust bathing and trying  to stay cool so were quite oblivious to the bloodthirsty predator near by. I called and they would not be lured. Eventual

DOA Chicken

Last week my seven year old son, Riley yelled "I just saw an animal!" We listened patiently but returned to eating not sure if he saw anything at all. A few minutes later chaos erupted and my husband yelled" Holy crap something got one of our chickens!"  We all flew out of the door and started to wrangle the chickens who were out free ranging in our yard. Afterwards in our excitement we started to investigate in a CSI fashion, recreating the events and following the evidence. In general we all think we are much more clever than we really are. There was a big pile of feathers from our missing Chantecler, no blood trail and no trail of feathers. My husband soon found her under a tree at the back of my old garden. Her neck had a chunk taken out but she had no other wounds, apart from being dead. We discussed what got her and decided not to leave her there to be eaten only because we didn't want to further advertise tasty chicken dinner in our yard. We deci